VII Међународна конференција Безбједност саобраћаја у локалној заједници -

VII Међународна конференција Безбједност саобраћаја у локалној заједници

25 - 26.10.2018.


1. Tomaž Tollazzi, University of Maribor Faculty of Civil Engineering, Slovenia

Abstract: In last few years the total number of traffic accidents in Slovenia has decreased whilst the number of accidents involving powered two-wheelers (PTWs) has increased. In 2017, 104 people died in road accidents in Slovenia, the lowest number recorded in the last 60 years. In contrast, during the same year there was a noticeable increase in the number of PTW rider fatalities. By the end of 2017, there were 29 fatalities among PTW riders, which, in comparison to the previous year (2016, 24 fatalities), represents an increase of 21%. In 2017, the proportion of PTW fatalities was 24% out of all road accident fatalities, which is the worst figure since records began in Slovenia. In addition, the proportion of PTW riders who were seriously injured or killed in comparison to the overall number that were seriously injured or killed in all traffic accidents was significantly higher than the proportion of PTW riders in the traffic structure. Numerous promotional campaigns have been carried out in Slovenia over the last ten years, and a number of measures have been introduced to improve the road safety of PTWs. The Faculty of Civil Engineering, Transportation Engineering and Architecture at the University of Maribor is more or less satisfied with these measures. However, because there is great interest in upgrading the level of road safety of PTWs, the authors of this report decided to create their own infrastructure guidelines for ensuring the road safety of PTWs in the equipping and road maintenance phases.

Кључне речи:
powered two-wheelers, guidelines, infrastructure,powered two-wheelers,,guidelines,,infrastructure

Тематска област:
Управљање безбједношћу саобраћаја

Датум пријаве сажетка:

VIII Међународна конференција Безбједност саобраћаја у локалној заједници

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